Turf Management

Turf Management

TDA commercial Applicator of Ornamental Plant & Turf Control

TDA commercial Applicator of Ornamental Plant & Turf Control

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Count on Us to Take Proper Care of Your Lawn

Brian’s Tree Services has been consulting with customers for years about proper turf management techniques. Brian Williams has been licensed to diagnose and treat lawns to help keep them green and beautiful Due to popular demand, we are now offering weed treatments, fertilization, fungicide treatment, and core aeration. 

For years, customers have talked with me about being unsatisfied with the lawn management services they were receiving from lawn and landscaping companies. Many of those companies are not even licensed or insured to do the services they are providing. Too many have paid for services and are not getting the results they hoped for. My company will give you results and guarantee your satisfaction within reason. 

A lot of work goes into making a beautiful healthy yard. With our experience and your willingness to follow a plan designed for your yard you can have the beautiful yard you want.


Herbicides used by untrained technicians can damage turf or could result in plant death.  

Some herbicides can safely be used on areas of open turf but cannot be used close to trees. It takes an expert that does the research to choose the right herbicide for your yard that is effective and safe for the other trees and plants in the yard.

Diagnosis and plant identification is key to providing customers with effective treatments for their turf. We are trained to diagnose and treat all turf and ornamental plants.

Complete Turf Management Programs

Complete turf maintenance programs include pre-emergent weed treatments, post-emergent weed treatments, some spot treatments for problem weeds in between your main weed treatment, proper irrigation practices, spring and fall fertilization, core aeration, and dethatching. Let us put a plan together to improve the health of your grass and soil. A well put together turf management program can reduce weeds, pest problems, fungal issues and reduce watering.

Pest Treatments

Do you think you might have a pest problem in your lawn? Let us help. We can evaluate your yard, properly identify the pest you have, and treat the yard as well as using integrated pest management and proper cultural practices to reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence.

Let us help maintain your lawns with our top of the line commercial grade equipment and our years of experience.

Our Experts Will Make Your Lawn Beautiful

Get in touch with us!

(254) 328-0001

(254) 328-0001
Brian's Tree Services - Logo

Brian Williams TX-3456-A

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